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Welcome to the all-new!

June 20, 2014

In the two years since we launched the website and YouTube channel, we’ve created and uploaded over 150 videos, along with numerous blog posts.

Our videos have been watched over 160,000 times and we have approaching 2,000 subscribers, on this site and via YouTube.

Viewers from countries all over the world have contacted us to let us know how valuable they find our straightforward presentation of the facts and the authoritative voices of our contributors.

Now, we’re widening the scope of our content and making easier to use.

New sections include Acuity, a regular downloadable newsletter on different aspects of investing; and SITV meets, a question-and-answer session with interesting and topical figures from the world of finance and academia. In addition, our Reports and Downloads section gives you quick and easy access to the latest academic and industry research.

Our videos are organised more efficiently, so it’s easier to navigate through the site and discover further relevant content.

Looking forward, you can expect to see:

Another major ten-part documentary that will pick up where Passive Investing: The Evidence left off

More guest content from experts including blogs, videos and reviews

More educational articles and downloadable resources

Greater interaction – more opportunity for you to tell us what you think and make suggestions for future content

Continuing regular high quality video blogs and blog posts from the Sensible Investing team

We hope you enjoy the new Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below or emailing [email protected]


Image courtesy of Zach Disner/Flickr

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Keith Mayou

I find the videos, Acuity bulletin and sensible investing information to be very good learning and helpful in thinking through the relevant current issues of the day

Jack D. White

I have very much enjoyed the material and have referred a number of clients to your website. I wish there was a similar project in the states.

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