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Using this site

Take a look around!

Image has been designed to be easy to use and provide quick and clear access to the content you want to see.

The content on this site is divided into sections:

Documentaries - full-length films, available in their entirety or episode-by-episode

Video Series - linked videos which allow you to explore a subject in more depth

Video Blogs - one-off videos on topical or timely issues

The Big Questions - short and snappy expert video clips

Blogs - created by SITV editors and guest bloggers (let us know if you'd like to contribute)

SITV Meets - interviews with influential commentators and personalities from the world of investing

Acuity - a regular newsletter, available as a downloadable pdf, exploring financial and investing issues in depth.

Reports and downloads - the latest academic and industry research.

Additonal sections can and will be added: please let us know if there's anything you'd like us to cover.

Navigating the site

The menu bar is at the top left corner of the page. Click on this and you'll see all the sections. If you'd like to explore video blogs, for example, just click on the title and all the video blogs will appear on the screen. You can see them in a continuous line or, by clicking the format box in the top right hand corner, as a grid.

Once you're on the page you want to see, you'll notice there's an 'Explore' secton to the right of the video or text. This includes tabs linking to other content on the site that's relevant to the page you're on. Click on any of the tabs and all other content on that subject will appear below, 

In additon, you'll see 'Previous' and 'Next' at the top of the page: these links take you to the next video in the series or the next episode of the documentary, or simply to the prevous or next blog, video blog, interview or newsletter. 

You can also search the site using specific terms in the search bar at the top of the page. Type in your search term and pages which are tagged with that term will be brought up. 

Commenting and sharing

We welcome comments on our content - positive or critical! Below the content there is a comments section. We ask for your email address to verify that you are a real person and to contact you in the case of a problem; but rest assured your email address will not appear on the screen. Please note that comments are moderated before they appear on the screen; this is to filter out spam or offensive material. 

We love to share our content and hope that you will too. Under each video or image there's a 'share' link which gives you a quick and easy one-click option for sharing on a variety of social media sites, emailing or printing the content.

If you'd like to embed our videos on your website or use them as part of your own marketing to clients, please follow the advice on this page

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To make sure you don't miss out on the latest videos, blogs, interviews or newsletters, click on the subscribe link at the top right hand corner of the page. This opens a subscription form, and will ensure that you receive an email every time any new content is published on the site.